
Wednesday, November 27, 2013


I worked out today. I can't say exactly when I decided i should workout, but the thought had been rattling around my head for a while.

Coach Whitten at VMI was kind enough to let me use the facilities in the weightroom.

I cycled for three miles, did some bicep curls, some standing exercise, and that was it.

We'll see if this simple routine helps me.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


I own a small camera that records HD video, a GoPro.

I'm trying to use the following video to convince Amanda I should get a radio controlled "quadcopter."

And I'm hoping Amanda doesn't ask me how I plan to control it, since my hands are so weak...that would scupper my plans. Still, I thought I'd share the cool video...pretty incredible stuff for  a small budget.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Since I can no longer operate a car, I think it's a good time to share this video from last year...


There are moments when I cant sleep and ALS makes a scene like the one in this video  so vivid

Bride's Special Dance from LaFrance Films on Vimeo.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dear Louise

At the outset, I have no clear goal in writing this. But I feel it's long overdue.

You're currently asleep, taking an afternoon nap, in your room. You were consumed with wiping the rear ends of your dolls this morning. You would then clear a space for each one on the couch, and put them down for a nap.

The care you administer is a recurring theme. You've also cared for me. A lot.

As my illness has progressed, you have witnessed the various ways i need help, and have taken it upon yourself to do quite a few things to help me.

You insist on helping to feed me pills, helping me stand up, putting on my socks, taking off my shoes, and you give me sips of my name a few.

Therein lies the unyielding, painful truth, and the beauty of my situation. I worry. I get frustrated on a level that can quickly turn to anger. I get sad on a level that can quickly turn to frustration. Then you'll saunter over and jump on my belly, and life is good.

All of which leaves me with two points to make: 1. I should amend my previous advice of, "Be happy," with, "or at least recognize that anger is  a destructive emotion, and to bear its presence for as little time as possible." 2. As I knew the moment you and Cora were born, you two are the most important part of my life. Cherish each other.

I love you,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


November 11th is known by a few different names. In the US it's known as Veterans Day. In the UK it's known as Remembrance Day. At VMI it is also known as Founders Day.

The corps of cadets march parade, and a 17 gun salute is rendered. I thought some folks might enjoy some footage.

Monday, November 11, 2013