
Monday, November 7, 2011

Glad That's Over

Today wasn't fun. I decided to tell my colleagues and friends of my diagnosis.

People at work seemed to greet the news with stunned silence. My friends and buddies at VMI were much the same. In fact, everyone was teary-eyed, and many people gave me some great hugs.

It doesn't feel good to upset so many people, so I'm glad this day is over.


  1. No wonder you're glad the day is over. You've been trying to confront ALS while, for honorable reasons, keeping it's existence a secret from many people. A good thing that you do not need to sit on this any longer.

  2. I'm glad that you shared with us! And know that while we're often socially awkward, our office IS good for hugs and donuts. And stalking people on the internet...or maybe that's just me.

  3. a hard day i'm sure- am sure you will be amazed by the support you'll get! luvies to you....

  4. Hello Tony. I was initially concerned about all these hugs you mention, but then I noted that you have been described as 'crusty', which confirmed that you have not lost your innate British charm! :-)

    Steve Moffat

  5. We're here, love, Steph and Claude

  6. I'm sorry you had to experience this. Know that we all appreciate your candor and will help in any way possible. Except for that thing we talked about back in 2006. I still can't get a kangaroo here in that amount of time.

  7. Praying for you and your family Mr. C. -Former Student
