
Friday, July 19, 2013


My new communication device shipped today. I'm pretty excited about it. I have been using an older model from Tobii for about a month already, and really like its functionality out of the box.

I have also found it really easy to create my own communication screens. It took no time to create a screen with all the commands I use with my service dog, Jake. To save him some confusion, we also recorded sound clips of me saying the commands for Jake.

The model I'm using was always intended as a stop-gap measure; I placed my order for the new I15 in anticipation of its release.

The new model has some huge improvements in its hardware: a solid-state hard drive, rear and front facing cameras, better speakers, improved IR remote capability, and a much better screen.

We'll likely go out to get remote controlled light switches this weekend. The switches should tie in easily with the new device, and gives me an easy way to interact with my surroundings at home.


  1. Fabulas 'T'lun v xxx

  2. Hello Tony,
    I came across your blog accidentally thru some of your youtube videos. I am from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. I am married with an 11 year old son. I have now read through your entire blog. It's very interesting following your journey, you have such an amazing family (and friends). I don't have anyone in my family with ALS. We had a segment on our local news a couple of years ago about one of our local Police Officers who was diagnosed with ALS. They did a few segments showing the progression of the disease. You also posted one of my favourite songs 'More than Words' by Extreme ... beautiful song. Saw them perform it live back in 1992 when they were touring with Bryan Adams.
    I'm all caught up now, waiting for new posts! :-)
    Ottawa, Canada

    1. Awesome!

      I am intrigued to hear about the experience of reading the blog the whole way through!

      The next post is for you (love me some Bryan Adams!)

  3. Hi Tony,

    I am very happy to see your reply. As soon as I opened your blog it made me smile!!!! I started off by reading your recent posts. And then I wanted to know when you were diagnosed so I went back to your first post and worked my way thru. It even made me look up things I didn't understand. I was so amazed with the medical costs (since it's free for us) that I called my mom and read that post to her.

    Love Bryan Adams!!! I still go see him in concert and scream like a teenager ... I've been to 19 concerts and have met him a few times. I was pulled on stage to dance with him in Ottawa back in August 1992 in my young and thin days!

    Thanks again for the post!

