
Monday, October 13, 2014

This Past Friday

I cant tell you why, but the past week has felt a little low, emotionally speaking.

I've spent a longer amount of time asleep, with a huge increase in the length of my naps. Between naps and some rainy weather, I also haven't gone out as much this week.

Now that we're most of the way through the weekend, I might have figured out one reason why I've been in a funk.

Friday was the 3rd anniversary of my second opinion at Johns Hopkins. Statistically, I'm fortunate to be alive.

That's a  strange fact to wrap your head around.

I'm also struggling a lot more  with my speech.

My naps feel like they're unavoidable, like I need to crash and sleep. The problem is, with the length of my naps, I feel like the days are passing me by.

Then, Saturday, we took the training wheels off Cora's bike. She picked it up right away, and I cried. Milestones.


  1. Yay for Cora!! That's a big leap for all of kid-kind right there. The weather has been pretty nap-tastic lately...good weather to stay inside and doze in ratty sweat pants with cookie crumbs on your shirt. don't feel bad for taking naps, though, seriously. there's a reason why kids have nap-time (and plenty of grown-ups, too): to avoid horrible grouchiness! and it's also good to let your body rest up so when you're up out doing wheelies in the driveway with your kids and their bikes, your bod doesn't have to work quite as hard to keep up. so cheers to you Tony! this nap's for you...zzzzzzzzzz........

  2. Hi Tony
    not many better feelings than when you let go of the bike saddle and your kid
    keeps balance and keeps going.. when it was my boys turn it took a while
    before he remembered to use his brakes...


  3. Hi,Tony. Not a great anniversary,mate. But three years is testament to your strength and courage.

    I know you're rightly proud of Cora,but I bet she's proud of her Dad!

    Stay strong,bud. And HH.

    BTW,great news about two new Tim's,eh?
